Selling Like A Pro: Using Social Media Content Strategically

Selling Like A Pro: Using Social Media Content Strategically

Mar 20, 2024

In today's dynamic digital landscape, leveraging social media isn't just about posting content for your Network Marketing business—it's about strategically crafting your message to drive sales and build genuine connections with your audience. Let's dive into how you can sell like a pro using social media content strategically.

Use This Solid Social Media Strategy to Drive Enrollments Online

In today's digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for Network Marketers to connect with their audience and drive sales. With the rise of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, businesses have the opportunity to reach millions of potential customers with just a few clicks.

However, to effectively sell products or services on social media - and to do so the Attraction Marketing way - it is important to have a strategic content plan in place.

In this article, I'll share how to sell like a pro using social media content strategically.

Getting Strategic with Your Social Media Content

No more "posting and praying" that the content you've labored over is actually hitting its mark.

We will explore the five types of social media content:

  1. Lives
  2. Reels
  3. DMs
  4. Posts, and
  5. Stories

– and how they can be used at each stage of the sales funnel to Attract, Influence, and Enroll customers with ease on autopilot.

Attract: Reels and Lives

At the top of the sales funnel is the Attract stage, where Network Marketers aim to grab the attention of potential customers and draw them in. Reels and Lives are two types of social media content that are particularly effective at attracting customers.

Reels are short, engaging videos that are perfect for capturing the attention of busy social media users. By creating reels that showcase your personal brand and give prospects insight into who are are and what matters to you (NOT blatantly posting your product), you can pique the interest of potential customers and encourage them to follow you for more.

Lives, on the other hand, are live video broadcasts that allow Network Marketers to interact with their audience in real time.

By going live on social media, you can answer questions, engage authentically, provide value, and create a sense of

urgency that encourages viewers to take action that improves their lives.

Reels and Lives are shown to those OUTSIDE of your friends/followers - which is why they’re so critical in this Attract stage to find like-minded people who want to stay connected to you.

Influence: Reels, Lives + Stories and Posts

Once you have attracted potential customers to your social media profiles, the next “Middle of Funnel” stage is to create content that enhances your “Know, Like, and Trust” factor. If you do this well, it ultimately can influence your followers to make a purchase.

Reels are still massively successful here - so keep creating those reels daily on your profile.

Go Live at least once a week so your community can see you and interact with you online.

It’s in this Influence stage where Stories and Posts come into play. Stories and Posts are ONLY seen by those who already follow you. Utilize these content types to continue to show up authentically and talk about things that truly matter to your audience.

Stories disappear after 24 hours - this makes Stories a great place to post any limited-time offers, exclusive discounts, or behind-the-scenes content you might have. Create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) that encourages viewers to take action before it's too late.

(Hint: this type of product-focused content belongs in Posts on your main profile. You don’t want to turn away potential customers who have pre-conceived notions about your products or company).

Posts are a more public form of content that can be used to share testimonials, and communicate the values of you as a brand. By creating posts that are informative, engaging, and visually appealing, you can influence potential customers to see the value in what you have to offer.

Enroll: Stories + DMs

At the bottom of the sales funnel is the enroll stage, where you can aim to convert potential customers into loyal, repeat buyers.

Direct messages (DMs) and Stories are two types of content that can help Network Marketers build relationships with customers and directly guide them towards a sale.

DMs are private messages that allow you to communicate directly with individual customers. By sending personalized messages that address the specific needs and interests of each customer, you can create a sense of trust and loyalty that makes it more likely for prospects to make a purchase or join your team.

When someone comments on your Story, their message ends up directly in your DM. Use strong call-to-actions in your Stories to drive this type of behavior and then connect, answer questions, and enroll in DM.

Your Goal: Post Strategically

Selling like a pro on social media requires a strategic content plan that takes into account the different types of content available and how they can be used at each stage of the sales funnel.

By using reels and lives to attract customers, reels, stories and posts to influence them, and DMs and stories to enroll them, you can create a comprehensive social media strategy that attracts on autopilot, fuels influence, drives sales and builds loyalty.

Remember, the key to success on social media is to create content that is engaging, informative, and authentic. By understanding the unique strengths of each type of social media content and how they fit into this ‘invisible’ sales funnel, you can effectively sell products and services to your audience in a way that feels natural and genuine. So, get out there, start creating content, and watch your sales soar!

Your Next Steps

If you’d like to learn more real tactics like these that you can start implementing right away, join this FREE 5-Day Digital Recruiting Bootcamp with my own 8-figure mentor, Ferny Ceballos. You won’t regret it!

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